Mission of the Romanian Court of Sports Arbitration

In a national context in which 3,897 judges from the local courts, tribunals and appeals courts in Romania had to resolve a number of 3,759,358 cases in 2022. The Romanian Court of Sports Arbitration aims to become the benchmark of arbitration in sports law from the perspective of professionalism being an alternative to other international courts of sports arbitration even from the cost-efficient perspective, where specialized arbitrators in sports law are sitting and conducting the procedure.

The Romanian Court of Sports Arbitration has the task of resolving legal disputes in the field of sports through arbitration and to pronounce arbitral awards that have the same enforceable nature as the decisions of other international courts of sports arbitration.

If the average duration of the definitive settlement of a pecuniary dispute before the local law courts in Romania is between 2 and 4 years, the Romanian Court of Sports Arbitration will issue final decisions in an extremely short period of time, in the order of days in urgent matters respectively in 4-6 months in the ordinary matters, an aspect that will bring legal security in sports law.

Sport is in full economic ascent, and in order to support this trend, an entity is needed that will support sports structures and participants in sports activity and offer them a dynamic way of resolving disputes that takes into account the celerity of the necessary procedures in sports law.

Six arbitrators chosen for their specialized knowledge in the field of arbitration and sports law sit within the Romanian Sports Arbitration Tribunal. 

Guided by the Latin maxim jus est ars boni et aequi (law is the art of good and equity), the Romanian Court of Sports Arbitration aims to become the standard of reference for judgment in sports law.